Avon and Somerset Police: Rogue Traders Guidance

Rogue Traders
Alert: Intelligence suggests cold callers may be operating in your area, offering services like guttering repair and driveway tarmacking. They may be very persistent when trying to get work.

  • Don’t agree to work offered by unsolicited doorstep callers.
  • Don’t rely on posts or recommendations on social media sites or trader approval platforms without doing your own research.
  • Don’t be swayed by glossy flyers or impressive websites as they may not show the trader’s own work.
  • Don’t pay cash or agree to be taken to the bank or immediately transfer money before any work is started.
  • Don’t be rushed into making a decision. If you want work doing in your home or garden, make sure you:
  • Get three written quotes from reputable businesses.
  • Research the companies e.g. ask for references and look online.
  • Ask friends and family to recommend local traders or search via Buy With Confidence https://www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk/
  • Decide who to use in your own time and make sure you have confidence in their skills and abilities.
  • Make sure you have the full name of the company and the person doing the work and their contact details (address, phone number, email).
  • Ask to see professional qualifications, public liability insurance and if applicable Waste Carriers Licence.
  • To check the service you use has a Waste Carriers Licence, go to: https://environment.data.gov.uk/public-register/view/search-waste-carriers-brokers
  • Unlicensed carriers will often fly-tip your waste at roadsides and beauty spots. You could face an unlimited fine if your waste ends up fly-tipped and you cannot show that you took reasonable steps to prevent it.
  • Always ask exactly what is going to happen to your waste and seek evidence that it is going to be disposed of appropriately. A legitimate, professional waste carrier should not object to being asked reasonable questions.
  • Get a proper invoice and receipt for your waste and retain this as proof.
  • Check if you’re entitled to your 14-day cooling-off period – see this guide https://www.devonsomersettradingstandards.gov.uk/tsi-single/?frmClient=C7096C0D-1185-6B25-FCF1A4CEB5800E48&frmItemID=309636&frmShared=1
  • Ask if the company has an Alternative Dispute Resolution policy – is there any independent body to complain to if things go wrong?
  • Pay by bank transfer so the payment is traceable. If you can, use a credit card for payments between £100 and £30,000 because if you have a claim for breach of contract or misrepresentation against the supplier of the goods or services, Section 75 gives you the same claim against your credit card company.
  • If you are concerned rogue traders are operating in your area, always report it to Citizens Advice https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/get-more-help/report-to-trading-standards/
  • If you are concerned someone is at risk, always call the police.
  • If someone knocks on your door and you’re not sure, don’t open the door.
  • Find more information here: https://www.devonsomersettradingstandards.gov.uk/consumer/scams-rogue-traders-and-doorstep-crime/