It has to be said that at the very least he should be considered a meticulous planner, that is the very base that anybody could angle at him. Or rather, they would, if they knew him. He had many acquaintances and many conversations, he upheld an extremely long-term and vocal persona via social media but with an almost non-existent online footprint that only gave away precisely the misinformation that he intended to give away.
He was also extremely guarded as to who could get to be aware of him and his surroundings. Those permitted a slight glimpse into his life only saw one shade, that perfectly crafted public persona.
If all of those fortunate to have ever found themselves in the same room as each other, or with the chance to compare their knowledge nobody would have more than two pieces of additional information that would result in a closed loop within their own entities. Such was the detail of his planning and planting of information, he had truly mastered his craft and could be considered among the best of the best.
For the most part, it may be considered fortunate that our government had decided to avail themselves of his talents through their employ. Though let me make this absolutely clear, they had no knowledge as to the extent of his extracurricular activities.
Each member of the team brings with them a huge breadth of knowledge to share.
Lead expert on gastronomy, taking not just her vast industry experience but also our team’s contributions and global inspiration to create for your benefit.
Jack of all trades, master of them all. From non-partisan global political insight right through to technical architecture, security services and design credentials.
Lifeblood of the team, keeping them tightly focussed, whether that’s working in a Facility Security Clearance location, a small SME or at
Cybersecurity lead with more than 40 years experience alongside members of Bill Clinton’s White House and UK Intelligence Communities during that time.