Tag: Noodles & Pasta
Homemade Fresh Ravioli (Pasta Gialla)
Ravioli, singular: raviolo, are a type of pasta comprising a filling enveloped in thin pasta dough. Ravioli are commonly square, though other forms are also used, including circular and semi-circular (mezzelune). The word ‘ravioli’ means “little turnips” in Italian dialect, from the Italian rava meaning turnips, from the Latin rapa.…
Chinese Beef, Vegetable and Noodle Soup
Steaming beef noodle soup is a comfort to enjoy. Tender mouthfuls of beef and chewy noodles in a savoury, aromatic broth that will warm you through and through whilst providing you with some delicious vegetables too. Colour means flavour, don’t avoid or lessen the time browning the beef. That’s where…