Tag: Vegetarian

  • Rosemary and Thyme Wedges

    Oven baked potato wedges make a change for a chip and have a larger surface area so are better for keeping more flavour intact. If you don’t have a non-stick baking tray simply use parchment paper. These truly are so simple but you really should remove the starch for 10…

  • Pergamene al Forno con Spinaci e Ricotta

    Baked Scrolls / Parchment [Pergamene], with Spinach and Ricotta. This is my take on a hearty Italian dish of Rotolo [Rolls with Spinach and Ricotta], given that they more resemble scrolls than rolls I have taken some liberty with both the name and the recipe itself. The rotolo are not…

  • Pepper and Mushroom Flatbread

    An artisan whole wheat crust, topped with peppers, mozzarella, pesto and mushrooms make this flatbread a show stopper.

  • Paneer (Homemade Cheese)

    Paneer, also known as ponir or Indian cottage cheese, is a fresh acid-set cheese common in the Indian subcontinent (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) made from cow or buffalo milk. It is a non-aged, non-melting soft cheese made by curdling milk with a fruit- or vegetable-derived…

  • Immunity Strengthening Soup

    With the current weather, post heatwave and now cold and damp this immunity strenghtening soup is full of nutrition that shall ban those outside chills. This can be vegan if you use a vegan cream.