Tag: Vegetarian

  • Chilli Jam

    Perfect for any cheeseboard or charcuterie platter. Sweet chilli jam is simply the obvious next evolutionary step up from sweet chili sauce (also known as Sweet Thai chili sauce), known as nam chim kai in Thailand that began life as a dipping sauce for chicken. It is a popular chili…

  • Caraway Potatoes, and Seed Cake

    Caraway seeds are highly aromatic with a distinctive mild anise flavor that adds a welcome and subtle liquorice hint to many dishes. Their taste is earthy, with a hint of citrus and pepper. Caraway thrives in any good, well drained soil, in a sunny spot. Sown in autumn, they flower…

  • Bombay Aloo

    Bombay potato, sometimes called Bombay aloo or aloo (alu) Bombay, is an Indian dish prepared using potatoes that are generally cubed or roughtly chopped the same size, parboiled and then fried and seasoned with various spices such as cumin, curry, garlic, garam masala, turmeric, mustard seeds, chili powder salt and…

  • Blueberry Pancakes ~ The Vegan Episode

    Making these Blueberry Pancakes ~ The Vegan Episode permits you to spend 15 minutes per day being pious; nowt more need be said.

  • Apple and Cinnamon Smoothie

    A preference is for apple juice from either a butcher or the local farmer’s market. To make your own apple juice: Peel 20 medium sized apples (enough to provide 4 cups of juice) and cut them into chunks, place in a food processor and purée. Use cheese cloth, or muslin…